Monthly Archives: January 2015


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SEGALS® Solutions - Natural Treatment of Hair Loss for Men and Women

Segals Advanced Solutions Hair Loss Treatment Products with Rooibos are a combination of safe herbs and the latest in hair care technology to treat all aspects of hair loss.

Developed by Pharmacist D.R. Segal, author of “Preventing & Reversing Hair Loss” and his father, Chemist Lou Segal, their family business has been quietly building a loyal following for over 30 years. The Segals believe that hair loss and thinning hair is a 'multi-faceted' problem and you need to also change and improve certain aspects of your lifestyle in order to create the ideal environment for the best hair possible. Their Advanced Formulation containgin Rooibos is the latest example of Segals' continuing dedication to improving the formula.

Clients from all over the world report excellent results with reduced hair loss and new hair becoming thicker, fuller and stronger. The only side effects reported have been “improved self esteem” and a “vibrant feeling of youth” that comes with having thick, full looking hair.

Segals Advanced Solutions hair loss treatment formula works by creating the ideal environment for healthy, strong hair growth. It achieves this by the following:

  • Unclogging the hair follicles by removing the waxy build up.
  • Reducing the high levels of the “root-choking” hormone DHT.
  • Improveing the blood circulation to the scalp.
  • Thickening and strengthening the new hair growth.

It is effective for women as well! Women have diffuse hair loss and this seems to be due to a number of contributing factors such as hormonal changes, birth control medications, giving birth, weight loss or vegetarian diet and stress.

It is very easy to use. Preferably at night (or in the morning), the Formula is massaged into the thinning areas of your scalp and left on the scalp overnight or for at least 6 to 8 hours. Whenever you wash your hair use the Shampoo & Conditioner. Take a capsule of the Hair Supplement after breakfast and dinner.

Segals Solutions works by creating the ideal environment for healthy, strong hair growth. It achieves this by the following:

  • Unclogs the hair follicles by removing the waxy build up.
  • Reduces the high levels of the “root-choking” hormone DHT.
  • Improves the blood circulation to the scalp.
  • Thickens and strengthens the new hair growth.

Ten very important reasons for using segal's hair loss treatment products There are hundreds of products all promising to help stop hair loss. Take a moment to read why Segal's products are the safe,ethical and environmentally friendly products to use.

Segals Solutions Hair Loss Treatment is 100% guaranteed. You will notice a drastic reduction in hair loss within 3 to 4 weeks and the new hair growth will emerge thicker, stronger and healthier within 2 to 6 months. If you are not satisfied with the results you will receive a refund or exchange.

  • SAFE - Segals Solutions Hair Loss Treatment is natural and safe to use to treat hair loss.
  • NO SIDE EFFECTS - Segals Solutions Hair Loss Treatment has no known side effects.
  • FOR MEN AND WOMEN - Segals Solutions Hair Loss Treatment can be used by men or women of any age to treat hair loss.
  • FOR ALLTYPES OF HAIR LOSS - Segals Solutions Hair Loss Treatment can be used at all stages of hair loss including the “early” stages and the “later” stages of hair loss.
  • AVAILABLE IN PROFESSIONAL SALONS - Segals Solutions Hair Loss Treatment are also sold in exclusive hair salons where professional hair stylists will advise you on the types of treatments your hair needs and monitor your progress to treat hair loss.